Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Who Needs A Business Coach? - For Business Coaches

    There are so many benefits to having an internet marketing coach, I don't even feel that in 600 words I was able to truly express the importance of having a mentor. I know that for those of you starting out online, you are thinking "Well, I'll pay for a coach when I have a bit more money coming in" but BELIEVE ME, that money will come in so much faster if you take the time to align yourself with someone who can show you how to slice your learning curve in half.

    Ask potential ...
  2. How Can I Tell An Authentic Blue Coach Tote?

    You don't have to be ill to see a doctor. Similarly, your business doesn't have to be struggling to benefit from a business coach. Get your business in tip top condition, working hard, so you don't have to.

    Why in the world would you consider adding to your business costs. Are you crazy? If you hire a business coach, you may be crazy like a fox. While other entrepreneurs are running around trying to figure out how to stay afloat, you can play it smart and work with a coach who can ...
  3. Smart Online Business - How To Fail With Internet Marketing

    There are advantages and disadvantages for each set up. For the person to person session, you can effectively talk to your coach without the troubles of technology in terms of connectivity, sounds, etc. However, the use of technology is also a very big benefit for many people. Those who cannot physically be where their life coaches are can arrange for long distance sessions.

    The bookings can be taken care of using an online calendar system, where you mark out the times you will be ...
  4. Small Business Tip - Who Listens To You In Your Business, And Answers Back?

    When I reflect on that experience, it occurs to me that a business coach is a lot like a good fishing guide. As a Technology Coach I guide my clients on not only how to catch more fish (customers,) but I know all the best spots (best business practices) so they will succeed in business.

    The coach teaches you how to develop the skills you need for your industry or a specific task. The technology coach helps to improve the student's performance. Coaching often is for a short period. ...
  5. Top 7 Reasons To Employ A Coach

    A good technology coach will help you strategize in your business. You'll be able to get out of your own head! He or she will help you craft a vision and strategies to get to that vision. In other words, a coach helps you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

    A technology Coach who has never had to overcome difficulties may struggle to help you design a path forward. Many coaches only have a theoretical view of the world. I had dealt with many MBAs over the ...
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