Recent Blogs Posts

  1. How Can I Tell An Authentic Blue Coach Tote?

    You don't have to be ill to see a doctor. Similarly, your business doesn't have to be struggling to benefit from a business coach. Get your business in tip top condition, working hard, so you don't have to.

    Why in the world would you consider adding to your business costs. Are you crazy? If you hire a business coach, you may be crazy like a fox. While other entrepreneurs are running around trying to figure out how to stay afloat, you can play it smart and work with a coach who can ...
  2. You Have Started Your Business - Now What?

    Often times your meetings with a marketing coach will occur via telephone, but may also take place via email, instant messaging or face to face. Most coaches require money upfront and the best ones will offer you an opportunity to change your mind after a session. With someone else focused on your success you are are guaranteed to go farther faster! Yes, I used the word "guarantee"!

    Business requires focus, dedication, hard work and commitment. If you can't find that in ...