
For Small Business Success, Smart Marketing Strategies Are Not Optional - Part 1

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Gone are the days when the field of business is reserved only to those people who have degree in commerce, business management, accounting, and other related fields. Today, you can start your own business even if you don't have a college degree. How? By simply hiring a business coach who can offer you with relevant information, expert advice, motivation, and guidance.

=> They do NOT have a "Victim" mentality. They do NOT whine. If they are always looking to blame others, instead of taking personal responsibility for their success, they should look elsewhere for help.

The internet is where the money is today after all! It's not knocking on people's doors and leaving brochures. That kind of nonsense in today's technology coach day and age will get you nowhere fast. That's when I decided to start looking into a way of marketing online. This was great (in theory) but I spent countless hours watching videos, reading articles and learning about the world of online marketing in bits and pieces all while having to pull out my credit card left and right for products that left me even more confused than I was before.

Many coaches believe that, as a coach, being specific and measurable is difficult... one reason is that they've been taught that they can help anyone by challenging what's inside that person. But, I'm challenging YOU to start taking responsibility for what you can measurably deliver, and what YOU personally bring to that relationship, not just what is within the person you are working with. There is SOMETHING that YOU personally bring to the relationship. Step up and own that, then make sure that the word is spread, and that you are known for that result, and the VALUE of that result.

Many sales coaching programs simply place all individuals and businesses into the exact same sales technology coach process. They do not take into consideration the immediate challenges at hand, nor do they focus on customizing the program around the strengths of the individual or organization, while identifying and addressing weaknesses.

There's a great expression I heard recently, which I thought totally summed up the way that people try to reach their fortune "Tripping over dollars to pick up dimes" and that's exactly what I want to talk to you about today.

Communicate: When working with a business coach, it's important to keep lines of communication open. Good Technology Coach are very much in the mindset of working with you to establish clear-cut goals and then defining and taking the steps to reach those goals.

I came to the conclusion that I could not, in good conscience, promote myself as a marketing coach only to suck people of their money by getting them into a system that would ultimately be a bottomless pit of spending! I had to let my conscience be my guide! I am not here to bash people in this business or bash programs that I am sure are working quite well for some! But I am here to say that in this wonderful and crazy world of MLM, there are "Masters of deception" who are promoting themselves as something they are not! Be careful.

Now it's time to recruit some players. You click on some training about recruiting players only to find that the self-proclaimed online coach who is technology coach you is now wanting you to quit your team and join his team! Hmmm! You have spent over $300 trying to master the art of coaching and build your own team only to find that the real agenda here is to pull you away from your team and get you onboard his!

The first question I ask my Marketing Coaching clients is this. Why did you start your business? The answer that I am given tells me where they want to go. Yes, I can access where you want to go by asking that simple question. You may not be able to figure it out for yourself, but when you tell a coach, a good one, we hear what you are saying.

I came back the next morning to find the jeans a perfect shade of sky blue. As I pulled them out of the tub I had a big smile on my face and a sense of deep satisfaction in my heart. I had done it. I had achieved my goal and I'd done it in a fraction of the time I thought it would take.

There are many ways to make money online and the shortcut to creating your Internet Income is to follow the guidance from an Internet Marketing Coach. Here we present you 8 simple ways to find a real online marketing coach.

And in business? Your business is doing OK. You're comfortable, but maybe you're a little dissatisfied with how much you're making or how many hours you're working. Or maybe you're just aware that it could probably be better. A coach can help you do the full business health check, align your personal goals with those of your business and develop an action plan to stimulate a more healthy future. And then, unlike a business consultant, be there with you to motivate you and monitor your progress with a regular check up.

The last question that needs to stick in the back of your mind is whom do I look for when finding a business coach? Your business coach or coaches should be from all different backgrounds to give you a nice well-rounded perspective. I usually pick people that I know and trust to discuss business. From this group I try to have a board of advisors that I can trust and count on them when I need advice. Some people offer great advice, but are too busy to help. Understand that they may want to help and can, but they probably shouldn't be a person you look for on a daily business advice. There advice is valuable, but I wouldn't put them in your circle of advisors.
